SEO Relaunch Consulting

Want to avoid a domain crash when migrating domains or relaunching your website? We ensure that your website retains its visibility in search engines during a relaunch. Discover which SEO strategies you should consider for a successful E-Commerce website relaunch.

Customers who trust us
Our Process

3 clear steps to success

A successful relaunch starts with an effective process.



Together, we establish the goal: How do we define a successful website relaunch and what should the outcome be?



Based on the requirements, we develop a concept and involve all project stakeholders.



We ensure that all requirements are met during the relaunch and that the project is successful.

Ensure your website relaunch is a success

What we can guarantee

A relaunch is an opportunity for every website — but it can also lead to significant problems. Our experience helps you to reduce this risk to a minimum.


We bring all stakeholders together and determine the requirements for the relaunch.


We know what defines a successful relaunch from Google's point of view.


Based on your specific requirements, we create a solid strategy for your individual relaunch.

Project Planning

Transparency and accountability are the success factors in project management.


We use our comprehensive tool stack to monitor the implementation of all requirements.

Measuring Success

Was the relaunch a success? Let's find out together!

What is important when it comes to a relaunch?

When relaunching or migrating your E-Commerce website, several factors are crucial for success with the ultimate goal being to refresh, improve functionality, and enhance performance to better meet user needs and business objectives. Firstly, a comprehensive analysis of the current performance is essential to measure success post-launch. Ensuring the new design meets all best practice requirements and doesn't compromise on user experience or performance. Additionally, taking precautions when updating and optimising content for SEO to ensure rankings are at the very least maintained and ideally, improved. It's essential to have a clear migration plan to transfer data seamlessly and ensuring adequate testing of all functionalities before going live to avoid unexpected negative outcomes. Finally, transparent and effective communication to all stakeholders involved in the relaunch will guarantee a smooth transition.

Our Relaunch Experiences


assisted relaunches


years of SEO experience in the team


E-Commerce Platforms

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Here are our frequently asked questions relating to relaunch consulting and SEO.

What is involved in a website relaunch?

A website relaunch can include a redesign, content overhaul, enhancing user experience, or implementing new functionalities. The goal is to provide a better experience for users and to align the website with current business objectives.

What is an example of a successful relaunch?

In 2018, Rev relaunched their website with a focus on UX. The process took nine months. They implemented amongst other improvements, cleaner navigation, a clear value proposition, and introduced more colour. With the new design, the conversion rate increased by 18%. The key learnings shared were:Define and involve all stakeholders early.
Identify issues.
Determine scope, process, and budget.
Choose who to partner with.
Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse, die dabei gewonnen wurden, waren:
Frühzeitige Definition und Einbeziehung aller Beteiligten.
Identifizieren Sie Probleme.
Umfang, Prozess und Budget festlegen.
Auswahl der Partner.

What are the risks of a relaunch? Do I actually need it?

It's important to determine if a relaunch is the best thing for your E-Commerce business. If there are CMS limitations, your code needs an overhaul, or you're introducing significantly different features or functionalities, then it is likely it is the right decision. With a relaunch there are always risks involved if not done properly, such as losing significant traffic and revenue and worsening the user experience. Therefore, mitigating these risks is crucial.  

How to relaunch a website?

Relaunching a website involves careful planning and execution to ensure continued visibility and performance. Relaunches often involved a thorough audit, setting goals, a detailed project plan that contains design updates, content enhancements, and technical optimisations. Depending on the relaunch details, several SEO actions will need to be taken such as redirecting old URLs or ensuring mobile responsiveness. Finally, testing! This is a non-negotiable for a relaunch, followed by the launch and post-launch checks that everything went smoothly and any issues can be resolved quickly.

What's the difference between a migration and a relaunch?

A website migration is moving an existing website to a new technical setup, while a relaunch involves a significant change to the front end of the website

I've relaunched my website and it failed. What can I do?

Call us!
If you're in the unfortunate position of a failed website relaunch, the best course of action is to act fast, especially if it's impacting your revenue. A thorough analysis to identify the major issues is a good place to start. This can include a technical analysis, a performance metrics review, as well as gathering user feedback. Fix any obvious errors and prioritise the quickest wins to regain lost performance. Going forward, document learnings and foster a continuous improvement mindset that allows the business to learn from mistakes.

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